
I'm having an issue with my routes.

So let's say I have the TestController with the action edit, that gets a parameter named as 'name'.

The access url would be test.com/test/edit/name/randomname.

I wanted to make it so it could be accessed by test.com/test/edit/randomname, so I added this in the function _initRoutes in Bootstrap.

$router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
            $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
                array('controller' => 'test', 'action' => 'edit', 'name' => 'Default'));
        $router->addRoute('edit-test', $route);

So it works as I want it to, but another issue occurred. I have a link in the layout.phtml which is something like

<a href="<?php echo $this->url(array('controller' =>'account','action'=>'logout'));?>">Logout</a>

The problem is that when i navigate to test.com/test/edit/randomname, the link above for some weird reason changes and points to the same url as above, ie test.com/test/edit/randomname.

What's going wrong?

Note: Im using modules, the TestController is in the default module.


1 Answers


In the past, I have had to specify the route to use with the url() view-helper. Since your logout route seems to use the default route, specify it in the url() invocation:

<a href="<?php 
  echo $this->url(array(
     'controller'  =>'account',
     'action'      =>'logout'
  ), 'default'); ?>">Logout</a>

If you don't explicity specify the route, then the current route gets used, which in your case is probably the edit-test route.