I have a working Web service that allows me to upload a file. I'd like to put Mule 3 in front of it but I have not been successful in getting it to pass along payloads whose MIME type is "multipart/form-data".
Attempts to do so produce a 400 error: "The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (Bad Request)."
The following flow (which doesn't accomplish my purpose but serves as a test) works fine, passing along whatever text I POSTed.
<flow name="Flow1" doc:name="Flow1">
<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8081" path="test/rule_file" mimeType="text/plain" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<http:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8080" path="test/rule_file" mimeType="text/plain" doc:name="HTTP"/>
However, when I switch from "text/plain" to "multipart/form-data", it produces the error listed above.
<flow name="Flow1" doc:name="Flow1">
<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8081" path="test/rule_file" mimeType="multipart/form-data" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<http:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8080" path="test/rule_file" mimeType="multipart/form-data" doc:name="HTTP"/>
Can someone point out how I might get this working?