I want to augment an avl tree to add extra properties to each node such as number of nodes it contains (i.e. in its subtree).
From this avl java implementation code here http://www.blackbam.at/blackbams-blog/2012/05/04/avl-tree-implementation-in-java/ I want to add certain code to it, so that each node will contain a size element.
In the AvlNode class, I changed it to:
/** Here is the AVL-Node class for Completenesse **/
public class AvlNode {
public AvlNode left;
public AvlNode right;
public AvlNode parent;
public int key;
public int balance;
public int size;
public AvlNode(int k) {
left = right = parent = null;
balance = 0;
key = k;
size = 1;
public String toString() {
return "" + key;
But now for the AvlTree class, where do I actually add the code to update the size value of the node, during the insert and delete operations. I think it's the rotateleft and rotateright methods. Is this right?