
I want to create a small console application to return current Skype status of the local Skype application if it's running (online / away / do not disturb / invisible / offline) and write history of its changes to the text file.

How can I do this? Where to start?

"Where to start?" - perhaps start by specifying the platform/OS and the programming language.user529758
@H2CO3 Windows, Linux. Programming language doesn't matters.Edward Ruchevits

2 Answers



The status checking URL is gone, your best bet is the API.


There is an API aimed at web developers integrating call functions on their sites. It seems highly restricted, completely missing status-checking and a lot of other functions from the old API: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn745882.aspx

Microsoft removed support for the old developer API at the end of 2013. A status-checking URL (http://mystatus.skype.com/[username].txt) was in place until early 2019. It is no longer available.

It required the Skype user to actively enable status checking from the web (it seems to be disabled by default). It could be enabled in Preferences -> Privacy by ticking Show my status on the web as of Skype version 6.19. If it was not enabled, the user would be shown as Offline.