I wanted to have one jsp page conditionally post to two different Struts actions. So I wrote this:
<logic:notEmpty property="foo">
<html:form action="modifyUser">
<logic:empty property="foo">
<html:form action="modifySelf">
the body of the page
As a result I got this
Compilation of JSP File '/tiles/user/modify.jsp' failed:
modify.jsp:8:2: No end tag found.
<html:form action="modifyUser">
modify.jsp:8:2: No end tag found.
<html:form action="modifyUser">
modify.jsp:11:2: No end tag found.
<html:form action="modifySelf">
modify.jsp:11:2: No end tag found.
<html:form action="modifySelf">
modify.jsp:109:3: No start tag found.
modify.jsp:109:3: No start tag found.
I am guessing that the parser is looking for forms before logic, or at least matching all the tags.
Any thoughts on how to get the same effect? I am running within tiles also.