I'm having trouble working around a default_scope in an STI situation. Is there any way to prevent a default_scope from existing in a child class or overwriting query conditions?
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope where(:type => ["Child", "OtherChild"])
scope :flag, where(:flag => true)
class Child < Parent
class OtherChild < Parent
Parent.all => Produces the correct results, all Child and OtherChild items are returned. It doesn't return objects with the 'RemovedChild' type, which no longer has a model in the system.
Child.all => Produces the correct results, all Child results.
Child.flag.all => Broken, instead of all Child's with flag = true it returns the same results as Parent.flag.all, adding the default_scope from the Parent class which replaces the type = Child that the Child class adds.
I have to assume the Parent table will include items with a type that don't correspond to a currently-available class which is what my default scope was trying to solve. If there's a way to globally catch and ignore any instances of ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound that would work as well.