I have the following code inside a registration form. Basically the button calls an action (an Ejb method and an Action listener which is an utility method). When the user submits the registration form, a primefaces dialog should appear telling the user that registration is being processed. The same dialog disappears once the form is submitted. This can be achieved by Primefaces UIBlock; however, it requires the commandButton to be ajax enabled.
I thought about using : onstart = display some modal dialog & onsuccess or on complete = hide this dialog (<p:dialog widgetVar="dialog" ...
) but this solution requires ajax to be enabled for primefaces commandButton.
Any clues on how I could achieve this while setting ajax to false inside a PrimeFaces commandButton?
<h:form id="form_register">
<p:panel id="panel_register">
<div align="center" style="padding: 5px;">
<p:commandButton id="register" ajax="true"
actionListener="#{mailBean.deliverEmail(newMember.email,newMember.name, newMember.username, newMember.password, newMember.isadmin)}"
action="#{memberController.register}" value="Register"
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{requestScope.wait}"
value="#{true}" />
<p:blockUI block="panel_register" trigger="register">
<h:outputText value="Please wait..." />
<br />
<p:graphicImage value="#{resource['gfx/gif.gif']}" />
EDIT: Thanks guys. I was mis-using the update the attribute in commandButton. Now things work fine.
attribute is true. And where did you read that action is not called whenajax
is true? This is just not true. – partlovregister
method from backing bean. And why would you usebloskUI
to open dialog, you can do that with just button AJAX events. – partlov