I am trying to send mail from my component when the user registers. I tried all three i.e PHPMail, Sendmail and SMTP but none works. I am testing it in localhost (WampServer 2.2) and the Joomla version is 2.5.4. I am not sure this is WampServer problem or Joomla or my own code. This is my code:
function postmail($name, $receiver){
$mailer =& JFactory::getMailer();
$config =& JFactory::getConfig();
$sender = array($config->getValue( 'config.mailfrom'),$config->getValue( 'config.fromname' ) );
$recipient = $receiver;
$body = "<body><br><p>";
$body .= "<strong>$name,</strong> ";
$body .= "</p><br></body>";
$mailer->Encoding = 'base64';
$send =& $mailer->Send();
if ( $send != true ) {
//echo 'Error sending email: ' . $send->message;
return false;
} else {
//echo 'Mail sent';
return true;
It gets the error 'could not instantiate mail function'.