
I am trying to post to Facebook using Graph API and one of the parameters on that is link.

Example URL:


Every time the link changes the posting fails the first time. If I retry twice or thrice the call works.

Here is the error I am getting :

{"error":{"message":"Call to a member function getImageInfo() on a non-object","type":"BadMethodCallException"}}

This used to work just fine but suddenly stopped working 2 days ago. The link always changes for us and such its breaking all the posts.

Did anything change with the API recently with Facebook ? Any help will be highly appreciated

I am having the same exact issue!Anthony Webb

5 Answers


well i fixed...i think... in the url link, the meta og:image it can't be empty as '' and the link must be absolute. if the link don't have an image, don't put the meta. by the way i update the app at the fb app panel to February 2013 Breaking Changes to activate.


I have the same problem in iOS development, response from server:

"com.facebook.sdk:HTTPStatusCode" = 500;
    "com.facebook.sdk:ParsedJSONResponseKey" =     {
        body =         {
            error =             {
                message = "Call to a member function getImageInfo() on a non-object";
                type = BadMethodCallException;
        code = 500;

How can help? :)


I had the same issue and just managed to fix it. Was an issue with the og:image element in the page header of the URL. My image link was relative to the website but I changed it to absolute and all seems to work now.

<meta property="og:image" content="{should be absolute url here}" />

It seems to be up and down today. It is fine sometimes, but most of the time it doesn't work.


This seems to be a Facebook backend error message issue. You should consider reporting this error message and behavior at Facebook Developers Bug Reporting System