This is a ruby question using omniauth-salesforce. I have omniauth 1.1.1 and omniauth-salesforce 1.0.3, and I can get user authenticated. However no refresh_token is returned by default. I only get access_token. My callback URL is http:// localhost:3000/auth/salesforce/callback
Based on the description of "Digging Deeper into OAuth2.0 on", the default scope of is id api refresh_token. But this is not the case.
Then I I tried to specify scope parameter in the omniauth.rb
provider :salesforce, salesforce_client_id, client_secret, {:scope => "id api refresh_token"}
Then I got an error saying: the requested scope is not allowed
In addition, if I try to put the following on a browser and I got the same error message
Any help will be greatly appreciated.