I am trying to search through "my contacts" on my google account. The account belongs to a Google for Business domain. I have already managed to retrieve all contacts which works by querying to the following url:
Now, when I search using the q=searchString
or myQuery.setFullTextQuery(searchString);
(in Java). I only get some of the results. In particular contacts that I have created and do not belong to the same domain as me.
I assume that this has to do with the fact that google has not stored a name entry for contacts tha have a directory profile. Thus it will only search within their email address (and if I'm lucky and the email address contains the name only then it will find it).
As a workaround I also get all the profiles (which does not seem to work with a full text search string) from the domain and then merge/parse them in order to get the results I need.
My question now is, is there a single call in order to retrieve ALL contacts (from my contacts) that contain a specific search string in either the NAME (first and last), EMAIL and perhaps field labels?
I do not see a point of using a full text search string when the contact entries that have a directory profile do not contain any name... (it is stored in the profile).
Many thanks in advance!