Create a table from query results in Google BigQuery. Assuming you are using Jupyter Notebook with Python 3 going to explain the following steps:
- How to create a new dataset on BQ (to save the results)
- How to run a query and save the results in a new dataset in table format on BQ
Create a new DataSet on BQ: my_dataset
bigquery_client = bigquery.Client() #Create a BigQuery service object
dataset_id = 'my_dataset'
dataset_ref = bigquery_client.dataset(dataset_id) # Create a DatasetReference using a chosen dataset ID.
dataset = bigquery.Dataset(dataset_ref) # Construct a full Dataset object to send to the API.
dataset.location = 'US' # Specify the geographic location where the new dataset will reside. Remember this should be same location as that of source data set from where we are getting data to run a query
# Send the dataset to the API for creation. Raises google.api_core.exceptions.AlreadyExists if the Dataset already exists within the project.
dataset = bigquery_client.create_dataset(dataset) # API request
print('Dataset {} created.'.format(dataset.dataset_id))
Run a query on BQ using Python:
There are 2 types here:
- Allowing Large Results
- Query without mentioning large result etc.
I am taking the Public dataset here: bigquery-public-data:hacker_news & Table id: comments to run a query.
Allowing Large Results
DestinationTableName='table_id1' #Enter new table name you want to give
!bq query --allow_large_results --destination_table=project_id:my_dataset.$DestinationTableName 'SELECT * FROM [bigquery-public-data:hacker_news.comments]'
This query will allow large query results if required.
Without mentioning --allow_large_results:
DestinationTableName='table_id2' #Enter new table name you want to give
!bq query destination_table=project_id:my_dataset.$DestinationTableName 'SELECT * FROM [bigquery-public-data:hacker_news.comments] LIMIT 100'
This will work for the query where the result is not going to cross the limit mentioned in Google BQ documentation.

- A new dataset on BQ with the name my_dataset
- Results of the queries saved as tables in my_dataset
- These queries are Commands which you can run on the terminal(without ! in the beginning). But as we are using Python to run these commands/queries we are using !. This will enable us to use/run commands in the Python program as well.
- Also please upvote the answer :). Thank You.