
I needed to insert multiple copies of a group of rows formatted as shown below.

|                       1,1                       |
|         |   2,2   |         |   2,4   |         |
|   2,1   +---------+   2,3   +---------+   2,5   |
|         |   3,2   |         |   3,4   |         |
|                       4,1                       |
|         |   5,2   |         |   5,4   |         |
|   5,1   +---------+   5,3   +---------+   5,5   |
|         |   6,2   |         |   6,4   |         |

In case A, I needed multiple copies of rows 1-3 inserted before row 4.

In case B, I needed multiple copies of rows 4-6 inserted at the end of the table.

The table.rows(n) method doesn't work and gives the following error :

Run-time error '5991':

Cannot access individual rowsin this collection because the table has vertically merged cells

However, one can do this from the user interface, so it must be possible!

Please add your answer below.user1228

1 Answers


Here is how I overcame the problem (tested in Word 2007 and Word 2003)

Sub CaseA()

    Dim D As Document, T As Table

    Set D = ActiveDocument

    Set T = D.Tables(1)     '   select the first table in the document
                '   select from the start of row 1 to the start of row 4
    D.Range(T.Cell(2, 1).Range.Start, T.Cell(4, 1).Range.Start).Select

    Selection.Copy          '   copy the rows
                            '   move the insertion point to the start of row 4
    Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd 

    Selection.Paste         '   insert a copy
                                    '   (can do this as many times as you want)

End Sub

Sub CaseB()

    Dim D As Document, T As Table

    Set D = ActiveDocument

    Set T = D.Tables(1)
' select from the start of row 5 to the end of the last cell present in row 6
' plus 1 character for column 5 plus 1 character to move outside the table
    D.Range(T.Cell(5, 1).Range.Start, T.Cell(6, 4).Range.End + 2).Select

    Selection.Copy          '   copy the rows
                            '   move the insertion point just outside the table
    Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd

    Selection.Paste         '   insert a copy

End Sub