I have a path as follow:
d="m 0,0 38.913,455.481 c 7.122,83.37 6.816,164.779 13.005,236.077 18.924,218.078 232.099,308.663 268.399,493.918 16.874,86.119 -37.253,229.874 -42.144,323.022 -7.527,143.381 69.579,142.669 104.526,244.648"
I don't quite understand how it is represented.
I guess it is converted as a list of multiple simple cubic bezier curves, but how? What should i take as control points, start point, end point each time?
And what coordinates here exactly are relatives? And relative to what?
I am totally new to SVG graphics and (it seems to me that) w3 references doesn't give enough details on those points.
If it can help my goal here, is to represent this curve with javascript in a canvas point by point.