References for this post:
[1] " Making C++ objects persistent between mex calls, and robust."
[2] MATLAB parfor and C++ class mex wrappers (copy constructor required?) "MATLAB parfor and C++ class mex wrappers (copy constructor required?)"
I successfully implemented a Matlab/C++ interface, based on method proposed on [1]. Anyway, i'm having troubles when trying to use the system with Matlab Parallel Computing.
What happens to me is a segmentation fault, when trying a conversion between matlab handle and C++ pointer, in the MEX interface.
To be more clear, I will recap the structure proposed in [1]. There are three files in the system, with this communication scheme:
[myInterface.m] <--> [myMexInterface.cpp] <--> [myClass.cpp]
- myInterface.m is a matlab class
- myMexInterface.cpp is a C++ (mex) function
- myClass.cpp is a C++ (mex) class
The use of this system is divided in 2 phases:
- Construction: a matlab object myInterface is created. This causes a call to myMexInterface.mexa64, that invokes the creation of a C++ myClass object. The C++ pointer of myClass is sent back thru myMexInterface.mexa64 to myInterface, that stores it for further use. In particular, myMexInterface.mexa64 operates a conversion of the C++ pointer of myClass to a matlab handle.
- Use of the C++ class from matlab: myInterface offers methods to clients that, passing thru myMexInterface.mexa64, invokes functions on the object myClass. In this phase, the handle stored from myInterface during construction phase is necessary to myMexInterface.mexa64 in order to invokes the functions on the correct C++ object. Of course, in this phase myMexInterface.mexa64 operates a reverse conversion, from Matlab handle to C++ pointer.
In my implementation, that works in single-thread, a segmentation fault error occours during the conversion from handle to pointer. In particular, I would like to focus on myMexInterface.cpp. The command to be executed is passed thru a string, as first argument, while possibly (for the second phase operations) the second argument is a matlab handle relative to the C++ object associated to that interface.
#include "mex.h"
#include "class_handle.hpp"
CLASS void myMexInterface(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
if (!strcmp("new", cmd)) {
// ...
plhs[0] = convertPtr2Mat<myClass>(new myClass());
if (!strcmp("delete", cmd)) {
// ...
// Get the class instance pointer from the second input
cout << " trying to convert handle...";
myClass *myClass_instanceAddress = convertMat2Ptr<myClass>(prhs[1]); // SEGMENTATION FAULT ON MULTI CORE!!!
cout << " success in handle conversion. \n";
if (!strcmp("aFunction", cmd)) {
// .. other functions
The function convertMat2Pt, generating the segfault, comes from the inclusion of class_handle.hpp, that is part of the solution proposed in [1]. In particular the function inside that class_handle.hpp in which the segfault is convertMat2HandlePtr:
template<class base> class class_handle
// ...
template<class base> inline class_handle<base> *convertMat2HandlePtr(const mxArray *in)
if (mxGetNumberOfElements(in) != 1 || mxGetClassID(in) != mxUINT64_CLASS || mxIsComplex(in))
mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a real uint64 scalar.");
std::cout << "class_handle: trying to cast \n";
class_handle<base> *ptr = reinterpret_cast<class_handle<base> *>(*((uint64_t *)mxGetData(in))); // SEGMENTATION FAULT ON MULTI CORE!!!
if (!ptr->isValid())
mexErrMsgTxt("Handle not valid.");
return ptr;
template<class base> inline base *convertMat2Ptr(const mxArray *in)
return convertMat2HandlePtr<base>(in)->ptr();
// ...
Actually is not clear to me what really happen in that cast, so I cannot go in deeper analysis. What I can imagine is that for some reason, the Matlab Parallel Computing generates an inconsistence with the C++ object, previously created.
The matlab client function that generate the segfault is the following:
myInterface = myMexInterface();
matlabpool open local 1
out = myModelInterf.aFunction()
disp(' Now starting parfor ***');
parfor i = 1:1
out = myModelInterf.aFunction()
Note that in order to simplify the situation, I open only one worker in matlabpool, and the parfor execute only one loop: anyway I still have the error. Of course without parfor block there is no error, even with multiple calls of aFunction().
What I obtain in Command window is:
Create interface with CPP handle: 139698584223104
Starting matlabpool using the 'local' profile ... connected to 1 workers.
trying to convert handle...class_handle: trying to cast
success in handle conversion.
out =
Now starting parfor ***
Save interface with CPP handle: 139698584223104
Save interface with CPP handle: 139698584223104
Create interface with CPP handle: 0
Load interface with CPP handle: 139698584223104
trying to convert handle...class_handle: trying to cast
Segmentation violation detected at Wed Jan 30 15:00:47 2013
Crash Decoding : Disabled
Current Visual : None
Default Encoding: UTF-8
GNU C Library : 2.15 stable
MATLAB Root : /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b
MATLAB Version : (R2012b)
Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-31-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 7 16:16:45 UTC 2012 x86_64
Processor ID : x86 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine : Java 1.6.0_17-b04 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
Window System : No active display
Fault Count: 1
Abnormal termination:
Segmentation violation
Register State (from fault):
RAX = 00007fedbcba74a0 RBX = 00007fee2afa0fe0
RCX = 0000000000000006 RDX = 0000000000000060
RSP = 00007fee2afa0520 RBP = 00007fee2afa09f0
RSI = 0000000000000000 RDI = 00007fee2b817a50
R8 = 00007fee2afa09af R9 = 00007fedbcdb9208
R10 = 00007fee2afa0200 R11 = 00007fee3d57ba00
R12 = 0000000000000002 R13 = 00007f0e1c7cfd80
R14 = 00007fee2afa0dd0 R15 = 00007fee2afa0f20
RIP = 00007fedfc00a8e4 EFL = 0000000000010206
CS = 0033 FS = 0000 GS = 0000
Stack Trace (from fault):
[ 0] 0x00007fee3f5e31de /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN2fl4diag15stacktrace_base7captureERKNS0_14thread_contextEm+000158
[ 1] 0x00007fee3f5e44b2 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 2] 0x00007fee3f5e5ffe /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN2fl4diag13terminate_logEPKcRKNS0_14thread_contextE+000174
[ 3] 0x00007fee3e8d2093 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN2fl4diag13terminate_logEPKcPK8ucontext+000067
[ 4] 0x00007fee3e8ceb9d /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 5] 0x00007fee3e8d0835 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 6] 0x00007fee3e8d0a55 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 7] 0x00007fee3e8d10fe /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 8] 0x00007fee3e8d1295 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 9] 0x00007fee3cdc8cb0 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[ 10] 0x00007fedfc00a8e4 /home/gwala/Documents/mexInitConfig/mex_torque_profile.mexa64+00010468 mexFunction+002116
[ 11] 0x00007fee355b269a /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ mexRunMexFile+000090
[ 12] 0x00007fee355ae4e9 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 13] 0x00007fee355af33c /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 14] 0x00007fee3e620a4b /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN8Mfh_file11dispatch_fhEiPP11mxArray_tagiS2_+000539
[ 15] 0x00007fee3deb4e56 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 16] 0x00007fee3de651c6 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 17] 0x00007fee3de69ab4 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 18] 0x00007fee3de660d3 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 19] 0x00007fee3de66ed7 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 20] 0x00007fee3ded2760 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 21] 0x00007fee3e620a4b /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN8Mfh_file11dispatch_fhEiPP11mxArray_tagiS2_+000539
[ 22] 0x00007fee35b73538 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 23] 0x00007fee35b15232 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 24] 0x00007fee35b154ce /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 25] 0x00007fee35b1723c /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 26] 0x00007fee35bfc9c7 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 27] 0x00007fee3e5d6431 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN13Mfh_MATLAB_fn11dispatch_fhEiPP11mxArray_tagiS2_+000529
[ 28] 0x00007fee3deb4933 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 29] 0x00007fee3dec40d8 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 30] 0x00007fee3dec7038 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 31] 0x00007fee3de6ab18 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 32] 0x00007fee3de660d3 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 33] 0x00007fee3de66ed7 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 34] 0x00007fee3ded2760 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 35] 0x00007fee3e62053b /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN8Mfh_file11dispatch_fhEP20_mdUnknown_workspaceiPP11mxArray_tagiS4_+000555
[ 36] 0x00007fee3e5e3057 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _Z30callViamdMxarrayFunctionHandlePviPP11mxArray_tagiS2_+000039
[ 37] 0x00007fee3de3e143 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 38] 0x00007fee3de3f07d /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 39] 0x00007fee3de3f78b /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 40] 0x00007fee3de42759 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 41] 0x00007fee3de6922b /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 42] 0x00007fee3de660d3 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 43] 0x00007fee3de66ed7 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 44] 0x00007fee3ded2760 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 45] 0x00007fee3e62053b /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN8Mfh_file11dispatch_fhEP20_mdUnknown_workspaceiPP11mxArray_tagiS4_+000555
[ 46] 0x00007fee3e5e3057 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _Z30callViamdMxarrayFunctionHandlePviPP11mxArray_tagiS2_+000039
[ 47] 0x00007fee3ddf38b5 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ inFullFevalFcn+001045
[ 48] 0x00007fee3e5e66ba /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN11Mfh_builtin11dispatch_mfEiPP11mxArray_tagiS2_+000074
[ 49] 0x00007fee3e5d6431 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN13Mfh_MATLAB_fn11dispatch_fhEiPP11mxArray_tagiS2_+000529
[ 50] 0x00007fee3e0a1140 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 51] 0x00007fee3e0a197a /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 52] 0x00007fee3e0a24ea /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 53] 0x00007fee3df054cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 54] 0x00007fee3df30d22 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 55] 0x00007fee3df30e4f /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 56] 0x00007fee3e04db30 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 57] 0x00007fee3de69fec /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 58] 0x00007fee3de660d3 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 59] 0x00007fee3de66ed7 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 60] 0x00007fee3ded2760 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 61] 0x00007fee3e620a4b /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN8Mfh_file11dispatch_fhEiPP11mxArray_tagiS2_+000539
[ 62] 0x00007fee3de9388f /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 63] 0x00007fee3de92c69 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 64] 0x00007fee3ddf129c /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ inCallFcnWithTrap+000092
[ 65] 0x00007fee3de57bfb /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 66] 0x00007fee3ddf0168 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _Z28inCallFcnWithTrapInDesiredWSiPP11mxArray_tagiS1_PKcbP15inWorkSpace_tag+000104
[ 67] 0x00007fee36365b09 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN3iqm15BaseFEvalPlugin7executeEP15inWorkSpace_tagRN5boost10shared_ptrIN14cmddistributor17IIPCompletedEventEEE+000457
[ 68] 0x00007fedff8a992d /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN9nativejmi14JmiFEvalPlugin7executeEP15inWorkSpace_tagRN5boost10shared_ptrIN14cmddistributor17IIPCompletedEventEEE+000173
[ 69] 0x00007fedff8d6c45 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN3mcr3mvm27McrSwappingIqmPluginAdapterIN9nativejmi14JmiFEvalPluginEE7executeEP15inWorkSpace_tagRN5boost10shared_ptrIN14cmddistributor17IIPCompletedEventEEE+000629
[ 70] 0x00007fee3633bbfa /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 71] 0x00007fee3632d594 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 72] 0x00007fee357d7ccd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _Z10ioReadLinebP8_IO_FILERKN5boost8optionalIKP15inWorkSpace_tagEEb+000429
[ 73] 0x00007fee357d8354 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 74] 0x00007fee357dd71d /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 75] 0x00007fee357dd81e /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 76] 0x00007fee357ddf07 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _Z8mnParserv+000631
[ 77] 0x00007fee3e8b7472 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN11mcrInstance30mnParser_on_interpreter_threadEv+000034
[ 78] 0x00007fee3e895b69 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 79] 0x00007fee3e895d48 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 80] 0x00007fee3eeabf73 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN10eventqueue18UserEventQueueImpl5flushEv+000371
[ 81] 0x00007fee3eeac695 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN10eventqueue8ReadPipeEib+000053
[ 82] 0x00007fee3eeab321 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN10eventqueue18UserEventQueueImpl9selectFcnEb+000353
[ 83] 0x00007fee3284fa65 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 84] 0x00007fee3ef45a11 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZSt8for_eachIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPN5boost8weak_ptrIN4sysq10ws_ppeHookEEESt6vectorIS6_SaIS6_EEEENS4_8during_FIS6_NS2_10shared_ptrIS5_EEEEET0_T_SH_SG_+000081
[ 85] 0x00007fee3ef46aeb /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN4sysq12ppe_for_eachINS_8during_FIN5boost8weak_ptrINS_10ws_ppeHookEEENS2_10shared_ptrIS4_EEEEEET_RKS9_+000251
[ 86] 0x00007fee3ef445a2 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN4sysq19ppePollingDuringFcnEb+000114
[ 87] 0x00007fee3ef44969 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN4sysq11ppeMainLoopEiib+000121
[ 88] 0x00007fee3ef44b08 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN4sysq11ppeLoopIfOKEiib+000152
[ 89] 0x00007fee3ef44c63 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN4sysq20processPendingEventsEiib+000147
[ 90] 0x00007fee3e896664 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 91] 0x00007fee3e896b3c /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 92] 0x00007fee3e890592 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 93] 0x00007fee3cdc0e9a /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[ 94] 0x00007fee3caedcbd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ clone+000109
This error was detected while a MEX-file was running. If the MEX-file
is not an official MathWorks function, please examine its source code
for errors. Please consult the External Interfaces Guide for information
on debugging MEX-files.
If this problem is reproducible, please submit a Service Request via:
A technical support engineer might contact you with further information.
Thank you for your help.** This crash report has been saved to disk as /home/gwala/matlab_crash_dump.11705-1 **
class_handle: trying to cast
Destroy object 0x7f0e1e45f090
class_handle: trying to cast
Deleted myclass with handle: 139698584223104
Error using parallel_function (line 589)
The session that parfor is using has shut down.
As can be seen, the interface is correctly created, then aFunction returns correctly the value 3 for 'out' (and this works even for multiple calls). Then the parfor loop starts, as is known the matlab object is saved (actually it is not clear to me why it is saved twice, but this happens even from Command Window, when I save a myInterface object). Finally a new myInterface is created, with handle 0, and the handle is restored to the correct previous value. Altought, the call to aFunctions fails.
I Finally report the myInterface matlab class:
classdef myInterface < handle
properties (SetAccess = private, Transient=true)
objectHandle; % Handle to the underlying C++ class instance
function obj = loadobj(this)
obj = myInterface();
obj.objectHandle = this.objectHandle;
disp(['Load interface with CPP handle: ' num2str(this.objectHandle)]);
function obj = saveobj(this)
obj.objectHandle = this.objectHandle;
disp(['Save interface with CPP handle: ' num2str(this.objectHandle)]);
%% Constructor - Create a new C++ class instance
function this = myInterface(varargin)
if (size(varargin) == 0) % constructor with no arguments. Used in load/save operations
this.objectHandle = 0;
else % constructor with normal arguments
this.objectHandle = myMexInterface('new', varargin{:});
disp(['Create interface with CPP handle: ' num2str(this.objectHandle)]);
%% Destructor - Destroy the C++ class instance
function delete(this)
myMexInterface('delete', this.objectHandle);
disp(['Deleted myclass with handle: ' num2str(this.objectHandle)]);
%% aFunction
function varargout = aFunction(this, varargin)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = myMexInterface('aFunction', this.objectHandle,varargin{:});
Please note that, as suggested in [2], I included the loadobj, saveobj functions, and the class has the "Transient" property in order to achieve load/save operations.
Hoping in the help of someone, I hope that this post can help someone.
Regards, Gabriele Gualandi