
MySQL saves all changes to the database in a binary file called binary log. MySQL provides a decoder called mysqlbinlog to decode these files. I thought if I wanted to parse this log file directly from an application then I need to find a way to decode it myself using C# for instance.

I know if I had the privilege I could use SHOW BINLOG EVENTS. However, parsing the file would be a better solution for me.

Has any of you done that before? Any suggestions?


2 Answers


A look into the mysqlbinlog-tool code might be useful. Additionally, the dependencies of that tool are available here


Since I am not a C++ expert and would take considerably long for me to figure out the code suggested by tuergeist, I have choosen another approach.

Since mysqlbinlog is already provided why not use it?

  • I could use the binary-log index to get all log files
  • Pass the filenames to a method using ProcessStartInfo to read the output of mysqlbinlog
  • The output then could be parsed to an array for instance.

I haven't tested it yet, but I'm working on it...