
I want show the Outlook cancellation form when an appointment is deleted via code in Delphi (program code, otherwise). I am able to delete an item which will delete the item from Outlook (please note the item does have recipient also). But I would like to show the cancellation form that Outlook uses when the user clicks on the Cancel Meeting button of the appointment item.

Is this possible?

Secondly, if this is not possible, then when the appointment is deleted via code (that is. appointment.Delete) I would like to send out the same cancel meeting email that outlook generates to each recipient. At the moment, when the appointment is deleted, even if there are recipient no email is sent.

Please help.

StackOverflow is for programming related questions. You will get more help on SuperUser. Edit: Reread question. This is iffy. I'm not sure which one would be better.Piccolo

1 Answers


Set the MeetingStatus property to olMeetingCanceled and call Send. You can then delete the appointment.