
I am running a simulink simulation using the fixed-step discrete solver. I've even specified the fixed-step size. I save some data via a "To Workspace" block (I've used the Scope to save to workspace as well with equivalent results). When I look at the time data in the object, the time is not monotonically increasing.

The time value is constant for 5-10 samples, then continues. Any ideas why this happens?

I took a screen shot of the Time vector. You can see it goes flat, then continues, then is flat. I expected a single line.

How I use the "To Workspace" blockThe Time plotted

I asked on the Mathworks site as well. I'll update both if I get an answer.

EDIT: I am working with Mathworks now too. They did show me how to visually inspect sample times. Navigate to Format > Sample Time Display > All. This will show all of the sample times in the simulation.

How did you get the time vector? Does your model have multiple sample rates?Navan
Is the block in an iterator or for-each system?MikeT
The time vector is from the object Simulink saved to the workspace. In this case, PWMOUT_FILT.time. My model had 2 sample rates. I tried removing the second rate, but it still didn't work.Eric Cope
@MikeT no, at least not explicitly. Its a control-feedback loop, which I simulate for a period of time. There is one algebraic loop due to the nature of the control feedback loop.Eric Cope

1 Answers


This problem was caused, at least partly by the existence of algebraic loops. Since Simulink was recalculating the algebraic loops, the output was capturing these changes.

I was able to click the "minimize algebraic loop occurrences" in the

Configurate Parameters > Model Referencing 

and my loops were eliminated. This is a YMMV answer, but its the best I've found working with Mathworks support.