I have this function in Matlab which is supposed to find the smallest value possible for minValuePossible, by varying the two initial set values of inValues. How can I set the fmin search function to NOT try negative values while trying to find the minimum? Also how can I set the number of different variations the fminsearch function performs while trying to find the minimum? Because currently it tries somewhere around 20 different combinations of the two inValues and then completes. Maybe define the amount by which it changes each value? How would I do that?
function Valueminimiser
inValues = [50,50];
minValuePossible = fminsearch(@minimiser, inValues);
function result = minimiser(inValues)
RunMode = 2;
ValueOne = x;
ValueTwo = y;
[maxSCRAout] = main(RunMode,ValueOne,ValueTwo);
result = minValuePossible;