You can use Gremlin to get paths between two nodes. You can firstly find all the paths, so the shortest and the longest are included in all these paths.
Here is an example:
As you can see in the image, from A to B there are three paths(A->B, A->F->C->B, A->E->D->C->B), but node F doesn't have property "xyz" with value "val1", so this paths should not be included.
gremlin> g = new TinkerGraph()
==>tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0]
gremlin> a = g.addVertex(null,[name: "A", xyz: "val1"])
gremlin> b = g.addVertex(null,[name: "B", xyz: "val1"])
gremlin> c = g.addVertex(null,[name: "C", xyz: "val1"])
gremlin> d = g.addVertex(null,[name: "D", xyz: "val1"])
gremlin> e = g.addVertex(null,[name: "E", xyz: "val1"])
gremlin> f = g.addVertex(null,[name: "F"])
gremlin> g.addEdge(a, b, "KNOWS")
gremlin> g.addEdge(a, e, "KNOWS")
gremlin> g.addEdge(a, f, "KNOWS")
gremlin> g.addEdge(f, c, "KNOWS")
gremlin> g.addEdge(e, d, "KNOWS")
gremlin> g.addEdge(d, c, "KNOWS")
gremlin> g.addEdge(c, b, "KNOWS")
And traversel between node A and node B(Here we do not filter the property "xyz"), so we get three paths:
gremlin> a.out('KNOWS').loop(1){it.loops<100}{true}.has('name', 'B').path{}
==>[A, B]
==>[A, F, C, B]
==>[A, E, D, C, B]
And add the filter of property "xyz"
gremlin> a.out('KNOWS').loop(1){it.loops<100 && it.object.hasNot('xyz', null)}{true}.has('name', 'B').path{}
==>[A, B]
==>[A, E, D, C, B]
Thus we get the shortest path: [A, B]
and the longest path: [A, E, D, C, B]
English is not my mother language, so if any confusion, feel free to contact me.