
In all, this is all I want to do: I have a Windows Store app which makes use of Azure MobileService to store data. Here is the app. Authentication is provided by Live SDK's Single Sign On Feature. The App was coded by following instructions here. Now, all I want is the data to be accessible via a Windows Phone 8 app. Here is what I have done. Lot's of issues seem to be involved here.

  • Changed API setting to support Mobile Client Authentication on the Live Connect Portal.
  • The app secret was compromised. So, I generated a new secret.
  • Changed the app secret value in Azure Mobile Service portal to reflect the new secret.

Now, the Windows Store app stops working and error returned says that The authentication signature was malformed or signed by a different key. If I use old (and discarded) app secret in Azure portal, the Windows Store app works fine.

Second weird thing: I have coded a primary Windows Phone 8 app to make use of the same Mobile Service. This app works only when the new app secret is present in Azure portal. With old key, error returned is same as above: The authentication signature was malformed or signed by a different key.

How do I make both the apps work?


3 Answers


I tried to reproduce this but both W8 and WP8 worked fine with me. I started with this guide: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/mobile/tutorials/single-sign-on-windows-8-dotnet/

I did everything else same except on step 10. I did check "Mobile Client Apps: Yes ". After that I followed this guide to create WP8 project: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/mobile/tutorials/single-sign-on-wp8/

So in your case you should just put the new clientid and clientsecret into Windows Azure and then to fix the problems with Windows 8 you should redo the step 4 of Windows 8 tutorial (Associate App with the Store....)


You might be running into a little bump because in Windows 8 you need to initialize the LiveAuthClient with the URL for your Windows Azure Mobile Service (yourproject.azure-mobile.net), but in Windows Phone 8, you have to initialize the same LiveAuthClient with the ClientID provided by the Live Connect Developer Center.

If you're still having trouble email the team: mobileservices (at) microsoft (dot) com.


When you want to create both Windows Store and Windows Phone apps from the same mobile service instance and have both use Live Connect single sign-on, you must register the Windows Store app first. Also, keep in mind that Windows Store and Windows Phone both instantiate the Live client differently (for some reason), which I keep forgetting about.
