
I'm trying to use Castle Windsor with Log4Net facility. I've installed the packages through Nuget.

The requirement for this to work is to use Full profile Castle.LoggingFacility. Nuget referenced the Client Profile version.

How can I force Nuget to install the Full profile version?

Are you talking about the package or about the project properties?Joanna Derks

2 Answers


I might be wrong but it sounds like the issue with the target framework setting on your project: for Castle.Windsor to work it has to be set to .NET Framework 4 rather than to .NET Framework 4 Client Profile.

You can configure it by opening project properties, tab Application (in Visual studio) or just editing the project file.

If that's about the version of the package after all, then usually using NuGet you can append a flag install-package Castle.Windsor -version 2.5.3 to specify which one to install, but I couldn't find any options there when it comes to Castle.LoggingFacility.


I had the same problem earlier and I think you should check your packages.config file. There could be targetFramework="net40-client",

which points NUGet to the packages\Castle.LoggingFacility.3.2.0\lib\net40-client directory.

Simply change it to net40 and all's done.