
I want to validate a json input through json schema. The positive case works for intended objects and properties. But I want to validate against extra objects, parameters which are not mentioned in the schema.

Basically fail the validation if garbage data detected in the json

Can you post some things that you've tried?Dan Hoerst
{ "type":"object", "required":true, "properties":{ "name": { "type":"object", "id": "build", "required":true, "properties":{ "address": { "type":"string", "id": "job_name", "required":true }, "email": { "type":"string", "id": "publishing_area", "required":true } } } } } {"name":{"address":"x","email":"y","additional":"z"}}Gaurav
I want to the request to be invalidated against the schema as "additional" is an extra key in that dictionary. Basically, strict dictionary keysGaurav
What are your schemas? What is your data? What are the expected results etc?fge

1 Answers


If you want to only have a certain set of properties in JSON objects and refuse others:

  • ensure the properties you want have a matching schema in either properties and patternProperties,
  • define additionalProperties to false:

        "type": "object",
        "properties": { "p": {}, "q": {} },
        "additionalProperties": false

will only allow for properties p and q to exist in object instances.