Here is what i'm trying to do :
I have a list a twitter user ID, for each one of them I need to retrieve a complete list of his followers ID and his friends ID. I don't need anything else, no screen name etc..
i'm using twitter4j btw
Here is how I'm doing it :
for each user i'm executing the following code in order to get a complete list of his followers IDs
long lCursor = -1
IDs response = t.getFollowersIDs(id, lCursor);
long tab[] = response.getIDs();
for(long val : tab){
lCursor = response.getNextCursor();
}while(lCursor != 0);
My problem :
according to this page :
the request rate limit for getFollowersIDs() is 15, considering this method return a maximum number of 5000 IDs, it means that it will be only possible to get 15*5000 IDs (or 15 users if they have less than 5000 followers).
This is really not enough for what i'm trying to do.
Am I doing something wrong ? Is there any solutions to improve that ? (even slightly)
Thanks for your help :)