I have done a ton of searching for this problem and I think the issue is all the answers result in a solution that requires you to create a library. Then, the only way I see to add that library to a spreadsheet is to create a new script for that spreadsheet and include it.
What I want: A bunch of spreadsheets that all include one master script. Each time the script is updated, they all update to use the latest script.
What I have: 15 spreadsheets that all have copies of the original script. The original script has changed and now it would appear I have to go edit each script called
Copy of myScriptName
that exists within each copied spreadsheet.What I did: I created the first spreadsheet and wrote the script from within a project I created in its script editor. Worked perfect. I then made 14 copies of that spreadsheet for each division of a company to use.
How can I just share the script and manage it outside of any of the individual spreadsheets themselves? I have to be missing something here considering all the people looking for this same answer. I just don't see how making it a library solves my use case.
I don't see what this will help, but per the comment's request here is the script:
function createRollupTable() {
//Return if:
// There is only the account code parameters passed in with no quarterly info
// If the length of the account code parameters passed is empty
if(arguments.length <= 1 || !arguments[0] || arguments[0].length <= 0) {
return "";
var rollupTable = new Array();
var fullListAccountCodes = arguments[0];
//The first column of output is the full list of account codes for all the quarters
rollupTable[0] = fullListAccountCodes;
//Array to keep the YTD total for each account code
var yearlyAccountCostOutput = new Array(fullListAccountCodes.length);
//Iterate over all the quarters that were passed in
for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++) {
//This array should be set to the total length of the available account codes
var quarterlyRollupCostOutput = new Array(fullListAccountCodes.length);
var quarterlyBreakdown = arguments[i];
var quarterIndexCounter = 0;
var quarterTotalCost = 0;
//Iterate over all the account codes
for(var j=0;j<fullListAccountCodes.length && quarterIndexCounter<quarterlyBreakdown.length;j++) {
//Find the one that matches the current account code for this quarter
if(fullListAccountCodes[j] == quarterlyBreakdown[quarterIndexCounter][0]) {
//Set the index of the output based on the full list so they align
quarterlyRollupCostOutput[j] = quarterlyBreakdown[quarterIndexCounter][1];
//Add this cost to the running total for the quarter
quarterTotalCost += quarterlyBreakdown[quarterIndexCounter][1];
//Add the total amount for the yearly rollup for that account code
if(yearlyAccountCostOutput[j]) {
yearlyAccountCostOutput[j] += quarterlyBreakdown[quarterIndexCounter][1];
} else {
yearlyAccountCostOutput[j] = quarterlyBreakdown[quarterIndexCounter][1];
//Increment the counter so we search for the next account code in the quarter
rollupTable[i] = quarterlyRollupCostOutput;
//Add a blank row in the results for spacing
//Add the quarterly total cost
//Add a blank row for spacing
//Google spreadsheet forces you to pad with non breaking spaces, no right align option available
var spaces = "";
var numSpaces = 66;
for(var i=0;i<numSpaces;i++){spaces+=String.fromCharCode(160);};
//Add a row for the Totals
rollupTable[0].push(spaces + "Totals:");
//Add the YTD column
return rollupTable;