I have a form, part of which has tabular input for milestones with an ajax function to add a new row.
Here's the function the ajax calls:
public function actionNewMilestoneRow($index)
$milestoneModel = new TgifMilestone;
$this->renderPartial('_milestone', array(
'milestoneModel' => $milestoneModel,
'i' => $index,
Here's the table portion of the view with the JS to add an extra row:
<table class="timeline">
<tbody class="milestones">
<tr><th>Milestone</th><th>Expected<br />Completion Date</th></th></tr>
<?php foreach ($milestoneModels as $i=>$milestoneModel): ?>
<td><?php echo $form->textField($milestoneModel,"[$i]milestone",array('size'=>75,'maxlength'=>250)); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($milestoneModel,"[$i]milestone]"); ?>
$date_value=empty($milestoneModel->expected_completion_date)?date('l, M j, Y'):$milestoneModel->expected_completion_date;
'model'=>$milestoneModel, //Model object
'attribute'=>"[$i]expected_completion_date", //attribute name
'dateFormat' => 'DD, M d, yy',// equivalent to PHP date 'l, M j, Y'
'defaultDate'=>$date_value,//see above
), // jquery plugin options
<?php echo $form->error($milestoneModel,"[$i]expected_completion_date"); ?>
</tr> <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php echo CHtml::button('Add Another Milestone', array('class' => 'milestone-add')) ?>
success: function(html){
type: 'get',
url: '<?php echo $this->createUrl('newMilestoneRow');?>',
data: {
index: $(".milestones tr").size() - 1
cache: false,
dataType: 'html'
Everything works fine for an added row if I render partial without the return and processoutput:
$this->renderPartial('_milestone', array(
'milestoneModel' => $milestoneModel,
'i' => $index,
except that the datepicker does not show, but the table renders correctly.
When I add return and process output I get the datepicker but it breaks the table:
$this->renderPartial('_milestone', array(
'milestoneModel' => $milestoneModel,
'i' => $index,
The table row and table cell tags disappear:
<tr><!-- this is the row befoe the added row -->
<td><input id="TgifMilestone_4_milestone" type="text" name="TgifMilestone[4][milestone]" maxlength="250" size="75"></td>
<td><input id="TgifMilestone_4_expected_completion_date" class="hasDatepicker" type="text" name="TgifMilestone[4][expected_completion_date]"></td>
<link href="/requests/assets/f73aa0bb/jui/css/base/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<input id="TgifMilestone_5_milestone" type="text" name="TgifMilestone[5][milestone]" maxlength="250" size="75">
<input id="TgifMilestone_5_expected_completion_date" class="hasDatepicker" type="text" name="TgifMilestone[5][expected_completion_date]">
without the return and process output it renders like this:
<td><input id="TgifMilestone_5_milestone" type="text" name="TgifMilestone[5][milestone]" maxlength="250" size="75"></td>
<td><input id="TgifMilestone_5_expected_completion_date" type="text" name="TgifMilestone[5][expected_completion_date]"></td>
Any ideas how to fix it so I get both the table row and the datepicker for the added row?
Adding _milestone.php partial view at bool.dev's request;
<td><?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($milestoneModel,"[$i]milestone",array('size'=>75,'maxlength'=>250)); ?></td>
$date_value=empty($milestoneModel->expected_completion_date)?date('l, M j, Y'):substr($milestoneModel->expected_completion_date,0,10);//default date must be a date not a datetime
'model'=>$milestoneModel, //Model object
'attribute'=>"[$i]expected_completion_date", //attribute name
'dateFormat' => 'DD, M d, yy',// equivalent to PHP date 'l, M j, Y'
'defaultDate'=>$date_value,//see above, date not datetime..
), // jquery plugin options