
As someone who's been stuck at the older versions of Delphi and upgraded to D2010 lately, I figure I still use the language, RTL and VCL features from the D5 era and refrain from using these new features as the documents on those are somewhat decentralized around the blogosphere. So I'd like to ask if there was an assorted list like what's new docs of Python's - clear and concise to the point.

Btw, please no screencasts. They seem to be quite abundant lately (probably because of CodeRages) but I find them very unintuitive to learn from. Let's leave that docs in video format thing to RoR community, shall we :).

See also, "lesser-known language constructs" stackoverflow.com/questions/280462/…Rob Kennedy
See also "changes from D7 to D2009" stackoverflow.com/questions/1352080/…Lars Truijens

4 Answers


Class constructors were added in the latest release, but are not listed in the included help, or in the What's New section of the new wiki. Check out Allen Bauer's blog here for details.

Suspend/Resume for threads are now deprecated, but apparently could have been causing problems for years - see here. Use the new Start method instead.


The documentation is online, including this topic: What's New in Delphi and C++Builder 2010.

There's also a pretty good collection of features for versions up to Delph 2009 on Stack Overflow.


The Delphi 2010 help file has a history of new features over the past several versions. See the "What's New" topic, and follow the sub-links from there. That should give you a good overview.