
In Eclipse, the folder structure when I create a Dynamic Web Project is

.: build src WebContent

./build: classes



./WebContent: index.html META-INF scripts WEB-INF


./WebContent/scripts: jquery-1.7.1.js

./WebContent/WEB-INF: lib web.xml


As you can see, there is WebContent directory containg web-inf and other files, if I moved all the directories and files of WebContent directory a level above, it does not work, what to do to run the index.html in eclipse

-> the directory structure after moving all the directories and files of WebContent directory a level above:

.: build index.html META-INF scripts src WEB-INF

./build: classes



./scripts: jquery-1.7.1.js


./WEB-INF: lib web.xml


So, now I need just go to "http://localhost:8080/Sample" and should go to index.html properly what path changes need to be done to make it run?


1 Answers


Right click the project in Eclipse and take 'Properties' From the Dialog box, select 'Deployment Assembly'. You can change your content path from there.