I am building a report where I need to show summaries by group. The report shows data by product by restaurant. It also needs show data by product by district (the totals of all restaurants in a district):
Restaurant 1
Pepperoni Pizzas: 10
Cheese Pizzas: 12
Ham Pizzas: 15
Restaurant 2
Pepperoni Pizzas: 5
Cheese Pizzas: 12
Ham Pizzas: 20
District Totals
Pepperoni Pizzas: 15
Cheese Pizzas: 24
Ham Pizzas: 25
The approach I've taken is to build a sub-report that what will show data for a store, district, etc, depending on the parameters that the master report passes it. This is combersome from a design perspective and slow at run time. Is there a way to create the district totals without using a subreport?