I'm trying to do a Jasmine test of ember-data (using the current master) using the DS.FixtureAdapter. I've tried dozens of variations on the below code (with and without trying to create an Application namespace). I've also gone into the ember-data source to try and see what's going on, as well as referenced the tests in ember-data itself as an example.
I've also tried variations of Person.find(1), using Ember.run blocks and Jasmine wait()'s.
Whatever I try, store.find(Person, 'test')
returns a result but attempting to get one of the attributes results in null (test assertion fails). What is it I'm not seeing? Thanks for any help!
describe "a test", ->
store = null
Person = null
beforeEach ->
store = DS.Store.create
revision: 11
adapter: 'DS.FixtureAdapter'
Person = DS.Model.extend
firstName: DS.attr('string')
lastName: DS.attr('string')
age: DS.attr('number')
it "works or does it", ->
Person.FIXTURES = [{
id: 'test'
firstName: 'Kyle'
lastName: 'Stevens'
age: 30
kyle = store.find(Person, 'test')
expect(Em.get(kyle, 'firstName')).toEqual('Kyle')