
On Orchard 1.6 I have defined a custom content type named Offer, this Offer has a pack field. On the page displaying one offer I want to display a short list of the other offers with the same pack.

To do this I have tried to make a projection but how can I specifiy in the query filter that the pack field must be equals to the pack field of the offer currently displaid?

Thank you.


2 Answers


You can write a content handler to store the currently displayed content item for later use in the request:

public class MyContentHandler : ContentHandler
    readonly IOrchardServices orchardServices;

    public MyContentHandler (
        IOrchardServices orchardServices)
        this.orchardServices = orchardServices;            

    protected override void BuildDisplayShape(BuildDisplayContext context)
        if (context.DisplayType == "Detail" && ((IShape)context.Shape).Metadata.Type == "Content" &&
            orchardServices.WorkContext.GetState<ContentItem>("currentContentItem") == null)
            orchardServices.WorkContext.SetState("currentContentItem", context.ContentItem);

Then you can write a projection filter using the content item reference stored in the state. (See Orchard.Tags.Projections.TagsFilter as an example of how to write a projection filter.)


I don't believe this is currently possible. You would have to write your own code to do this I am afraid.