Thanks for help with previous question.
I'm trying to open an access 2000 file in access 2003 but Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library is missing. any ideas??
I recently inherited an access 2000 file containing a number of automated reports. When I try to open I get the following error:
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) encountered a problem while attempting to access a property or method. The problem may be one of the following: A reference is missing. For help restoring missing references, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 283806. An Expression is misspelled. Check all expressions used in event properties for correct spelling.
I read the knowledgebase artice and it wan't very helpful. Advised me to delete the libary marked MISSING. But there wasn't one!
We checked the referenced libraries on the old machine and they were:
Visual Basic for Applications Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library OLE Automation Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
All were present in access 2003 except Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library.
According to here:
The file should live in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\msacc9.olb
I got a copy of that file from the old machine (not sure if that's strictly kosher) and tried to import it but to no avail.
Can anyone help??