
Here is the situation:

I am using child fragment introduced with API 17. Say I have

ActivityA -> FragmentA
ActivityA -> FragmentB

FragmentA -> ChildFragmentA
FragmentA -> ChildFragmentB

So I'm on ActivityA->FragmentA->ChildFragmentA and I transition to ActivityA->FragmentA->ChildFragmentB with a FragmentTransaction using animations for adding to the backstack and popping the backstack (there is an animation when I go to ChildFragmentB and an animation when I press back and move to ChildFragmentA).

Now I navigate to ActivityA->FragmentB (FragmentA is no long attached). When I navigate back to ActivityA->FragmentA where ChildFragmentB is visible, ChildFragmentB animates in as it did when coming from ChildFragmentA.

I want to disable this animation when resuming Activity->FragmentA. But keep it when transitioning between the children fragments. This animation is set in the FragmentTransaction. Is there any way to make this happen?

Have you tried keeping a value of which activity or fragment you're coming from and setting your fragmenttransaction accordingly? Like ft.setCustomAnimations(FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_NONE, FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_NONE); for when you don't want any transition. I'm not sure where you're specifying your FragmentTransaction so I don't know if this works for you.SvenT23

2 Answers


I solved this by adding some logic to the parent fragment to detect when it is being hidden or shown, and explicitly disable or enable animations in its child.

public void onPause() {
    // If this fragment is being closed/replaced then disable animations 
    // in child fragments. Otherwise we get very nasty visual effects 
    // with the parent and child animations running simultaneously
    ChildFragment f = (ChildFragment) getChildFragmentManager()
    if (f != null) {

public void onResume() {
    // if this fragment is being opened then re-enable animations 
    // in child fragments
    ChildFragment f = (ChildFragment) getChildFragmentManager()
    if (f != null) {

In the child fragment, we need to implement those methods to enable/disable animations. We do this by overriding onCreateAnimation() and using a static animation (R.anim.hold) in the case where animations should be disabled.

private boolean mDisableAnimations;

void disableAnimations() {
    mDisableAnimations = true;

void enableAnimations() {
    mDisableAnimations = false;

public Animation onCreateAnimation(int transit, boolean enter, int nextAnim) {
    if (mDisableAnimations) {
        return AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getActivity(), R.anim.hold);
    return super.onCreateAnimation(transit, enter, nextAnim);

The static animation is defined in res/anim/hold.xml as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  android:duration="2000" />

Try to disable the transition onAttach in ActivityA->FragmentA and re-enable it again onResume in the ChildFragments of both FragmentA and B