I am trying to create a table from 2 other tables in Oracle SQL Developer:
CREATE TABLE share_stock(
share_id NUMBER(6,0),
share_price NUMBER(10,2),
company_id NUMBER(6,0),
company_name VARCHAR2(50),
ticker_symbol VARCHAR2(4),
AS SELECT share_price.share_price_id, share_price.price, share_price.company_id, company.name, company.ticker_symbol
FROM share_price, company
WHERE share_price.company_id = company.company_id,
CONSTRAINT sh_pk PRIMARY KEY (share_price.share_price_id),
CONSTRAINT sh_pr_fk FOREIGN KEY (share_price.share_price_id) REFERENCES share_price(share_price_id)
Basically I am trying to perform a CREATE AS SELECT, but I am getting this error:
Error at Command Line:294 Column:28 Error report: SQL Error: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier 00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
I have tried to correct my syntax and I have not managed to get it right so far, Any ideas would be helpful,
Thanks in advance.
rather than you providing column definitions. – Damien_The_UnbelieverCREATE TABLE .. AS
. The column names and types are taken from the result of the select. – a_horse_with_no_name