
I'm trying to install tag_gen.rb plugin on my Jekyll. I found this solution here. I copied it into the folder:


Created layout:


Specified some tags at my post:

tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3]

I set safe: false at _config.yml. I run Jekyll server by such commands:

source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
jekyll --server

Jekyll version is:

jekyll -v
Jekyll 0.12.0

After I installed it, nothing happens. I expect new pages at tags folder, but it's empty. Also I don't see any errors at console while Jekyll execution.

What I'm doing wrong? How to find an error?


1 Answers


I found a problem. All my tags have url ~/tags/tag_name, but jekyll generate them at folder ~/_site/tag. So, I copied it's content form ~/_site/tag to ~/tags/ and everything working fine.