I am using Icefaces 3.2. I have a ace:dateTimeEntry which works fine and also gets highlighted in Red background if the validation is failed for this date field. I want to know how can i achieve the same for other fields. I want the background to be highlited in red ,if validation has failed for the field. Note i have not implemented any custom logic for datetimeentry , it is highlighting by default.
<ace:dateTimeEntry id="cal" value="#{strformbean.customer1.custDob}" timeZone="Canada/Mountain" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"
renderAsPopup="true" navigator="true" styleClass="ui-inputfield" required="true" requiredMessage="DOB is required"
maxdate="#{strformbean.date}" readOnlyInputText="true">
<f:convertDateTime dateStyle="medium" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" />