I would like to display an image in a grid panel and fire a click event when the user clicks on the image. I don't have a problem displaying an image. The problem I have is I am not sure how to add the listener to the image. Any help would be greatly appreciated? Really unsure what to do next. Thanks.
Ext.define('MyApp.view.people.List' ,{
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.myList',
requires: [
id: 'myGrid',
title: 'All People',
initComponent: function() {
var imagesUrl =/'+MyApp.util.Globals.projectName+'/'+MyApp.util.Globals.imageFolder;
this.store = {
fields: ['name', 'email'],
data : [
{name: 'Ed', email: '[email protected]', myVal: 1},
{name: 'Tommy', email: '[email protected]',myVal: 2}
this.columns = [
{header: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name', flex: 1},
{header: 'Email', dataIndex: 'email', flex: 1},
{header: '', dataIndex: 'myVal',
renderer: function() {
return Ext.String.format('<img src="'+imagesUrl+'/edit.png" />');
{header: '', dataIndex: 'myVal',
renderer: function() {
return '<img src="'+imagesUrl+'/book.png" alt="Lesson Study"/>';
{header: '', dataIndex: 'myVal',
renderer: function(){
var imageTmpl = Ext.create('MyApp.util.ImageTmpl');
return imageTmpl;
method hook on components, not html elements. Alternatively you can hook on cell click event in your grid, but not sure this is what you after? – Izhaki