
I'm currently having Haskell for university. Given the following haskell code:

true::t -> t1 -> t
true = (\x y -> x)

false::t -> t1 -> t1
false = (\x y -> y)

-- Implication
(==>) = (\x y -> x y true)

The task is to determine the type of the function (==>). GHCi says it is (==>) :: (t1 -> (t2 -> t3 -> t2) -> t) -> t1 -> t.

I can see that the evaluation order is the following (as the type stays the same):

(==>) = (\x y -> (x y) true)

So the function true ist argument to (x y).

Can anyone explain why the result type t is bound to the result of the first argument and in which way GHCi determines the type of (==>)?

This might be helpful: lucacardelli.name/Papers/BasicTypechecking.pdf It explains the basic algorithm that GHC uses to infer and check types of things (obviously the real algorithm is more complex, but this works for your example)Wes
The return type of x is the return type of ==> because x is the outermost function, I think.user3001

1 Answers


First, to give a better overview,

type True t f = t -> f -> t
type False t f = t -> f -> f

Let's call the result of the implication r, then we have, in \x y -> x y true :: r, that

x y :: True t f -> r

so x :: y -> True t f -> r, and thus

(==>) :: (y -> True t f -> r) -> y -> r

which, expanding True again, is

(==>) :: (y -> (t->f->t) -> r) -> y -> r