
I have a TADOQuery component which is connected to an SQL Server database using TADOConnection. Now, when I add below SQL to the component, and call ExecSql its raising proper exception, because there is a typo in the 'Create' word.

 exec ('creat1e table myTable 
          col1     TPT_Dt       not null ,
          col2     TPT_FLOAT       not null

But the same statement, if I add it to another statement, then the TADOQuery component ignores this exception. E.g. :

 select * from SomeOtherTable where id = 10

 exec ('creat1e table myTable 
          col1     DtDataType       not null ,
          col2     FLOATDataType       not null

Could you please tell me why Delphi ignores the exception in the second case.

my issue is not with the select statement. even if i add an if condition then also same issue ;

for example

if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('TABLE1278') and type='U')
 exec ('crea11te table table1278 
          col1     TPT_Dt     

delphi simply ignores the typo.

Thanks in advance.


I guess because the first statement is successful and ADO returns a dataset along with the related error message(s)iMan Biglari
do you execute if not exists... without a select first? if yes then I cannot reproduce. if you do you a select before, then I think the issue is with SQL exec. if I omit the exec and use crea11te statement then an error is raised. Ive tested it with ADOCinnection.Execute with eoExecuteNoRecords (default) and this should not even try and rerun a recordset like TADOQuery. interesting question anyway.kobik
This question may be related. the resolution provided by Microsoft (SET NOCOUNT ON) did not helped for me.kobik

1 Answers


All recordsets generated from a query are returned. The first one will be show by default, with corresponding error.
You can access all recordsets via ADODataSet1.NextRecordset(a).

e.g. you have following query

select * from TableWhichExists

Select * from TableWichNotExists

You will fetch result of TableWhichExists.


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  rs := ADODataSet1.NextRecordset(a)

you can access the next recordset und will receive the corresponding error.

NextRecordset may be usefull e.g. to receive several recordset via procedure, calculatin once all needed recordset.

To use e.g. three received results you could work like this:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Adodataset2.Recordset := ADODataSet1.NextRecordset(a) ;
  Adodataset3.Recordset := ADODataSet1.NextRecordset(a)

Adodataset1 would display the first result.