
I have the follwoing code:

trait DBO
trait BSONWriter[S]

trait HasWriter {
   implicit def writer[T <: BSONWriter[_ <: DBO]]: T

And everything was fine! Except for when I mix it into my objects, the map methods of all the collections and other stuff that implicitly uses CanBuildFrom in all these objects and their companion classes now show errors with messages like:

  • ambiguous implicit values: both method writer in trait Saving of type [T <: reactivemongo.bson.handlers.BSONWriter[_ <: traits.DBO]]=> T and method canBuildFrom in object Buffer of type [A]=> scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[scala.collection.mutable.Buffer.Coll,A,scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[A]] match expected type scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[models.world.Star],traits.IsInWorld with org.bundlelib.traits.Groupable{def asBSON: reactivemongo.bson.AppendableBSONDocument},That]

Now I do not understand, why is that? The signatures of the confused implicit methods are different! And how can I prevent this?


1 Answers


I think a short example will show the problem:

trait Foo

trait Implicits {
    implicit def b[T <: String]: T

    implicit def run = implicitly[Foo]

This compiles correctly -- so what's going on? Run with -Xprint:typer:

implicit def run: foo.Foo = scala.this.Predef.implicitly[foo.Foo](Implicits.this.b[Nothing])

The problem is that Nothing (and other types, as far as the compiler knows), are both Foo and <: String. The type of b is much too polymorphic, so it matches basically any implicit you are after. This is what is happening in your example: Nothing is both T <: BSONWriter[_ <: DBO] and CanBuildFrom[...].

I suppose my suggestion to you would be don't make implicit methods that are so polymorphic. In your example, I'm actually wondering if you really want writer to be as polymorphic as it is. Is maybe this what you want?

trait HasWriter[T <: BSONWriter[_ <: DBO]] {
   implicit def writer: T

that would avoid the implicit problem.