This is my tables data.
categories [id] [category_name]
posts [id] [category_id] [post_name]
What i want to do is:
I want to list posts and join categories table for echo category_name.
This is my controller
class Form_data_Controller extends Base_Controller {
function action_index() {
$posts = new Post();
$list_posts = $posts->list_posts();
$view['list_posts'] = $list_posts;
echo '<pre>';
print_r( $list_posts );
echo '</pre>';
$view['pagination'] = $list_posts->links();
// page title
$view['page_title'] = 'Test list data';
// create view and end.
return View::make( 'form-data.index_v', $view );
}// action_index
This is post model
class Post extends Eloquent {
//public static $table = 'posts';
public function categories() {
return $this->belongs_to( 'Category' );
}// categories
function list_posts() {
$query = $this
->order_by( 'post_name', 'asc' )
->paginate( '10' );
return $query;
}// list_posts
This is category model
class Category extends Eloquent {
//public static $table = 'categories';
public function posts() {
return $this->has_many( 'Post' );
}// categories
I want to list posts from post model -> list_posts() method because i want it done in model Not controller, but i cannot join categories table to get category_name.
How to join categories table to get category_name?