
When I generate a new PhoneGap 2.3 app, the config.xml file is for Cordorva, and does not match any example listed by PhoneGap. This includes the example app on Github (https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-start/blob/master/www/config.xml). What do I need to do to get things going?

What is not running? The easiest way is to generate a sample-project and use that as example for the own application.Christian Kuetbach
It's not that something isn't running, it's that documentation for PhoneGap uses one configuration file that is entirely different than what PhoneGap generates for a new project.Carson

1 Answers


There are two different config.xml files. One is located in "project_path/res/xml/config.xml" that is used by the native part of Cordova. The second one is used by PhoneGap Build service - https://build.phonegap.com/docs/config-xml