I have a datagrid control in my mxml file:
Now in my AS file, in the result function when obtaining data from DB, I can create columns dynamically. Let's say I create 1 column (client name):
private function GetDebtors_Result(event:ResultEvent):void
var arrayCol:Array = new Array();
var xmlSrc:XML = new XML("<main></main>");
var xmlTmp:XML;
var colClientname:DataGridColumn;
//Build an XML from DB data received (could as well use "event.result" directly to act as dataprovider for the datagrid, but I needed to break it down here)
for each(var o:Object in event.result)
xmlTmp = <row>
//Create the column CLIENTNAME
colClientname = new DataGridColumn("CLIENTNAME");
colClientname.headerText = "Client Name";
//Add the newly created column in the "Column" array.
//Use the "Column" array to set the columns of the datagrid.
dgSearch.columns = arrayCol;
//Populate the datagrid with the XML data.
dgSearch.dataProvider = xmlSrc.row;
This works well.
Now comes the issue: I need to add a second column which will contain checkboxes. They will be selected or deselected depending on the data from database. I'll show how I've done it by updating the same "GetDebtors_Result" function as above (added lines are commented as "// ADDED"):
private function GetDebtors_Result(event:ResultEvent):void
var arrayCol:Array = new Array();
var xmlSrc:XML = new XML("<main></main>");
var xmlTmp:XML;
var colClientname:DataGridColumn;
var colSel:DataGridColumn; // **ADDED**
//Build an XML from DB data received (could as well use "event.result" directly to act as dataprovider for the datagrid, but I needed to break it down here)
for each(var o:Object in event.result)
xmlTmp = <row>
<SELECTED>{(o.SELECTED == 1)?true:false}</SELECTED> //**ADDED**
//Create the column CLIENTNAME
colClientname = new DataGridColumn("CLIENTNAME");
colClientname.headerText = "Client Name";
//Create the column SELECTED
colSel = new DataGridColumn("SELECTED"); // **ADDED**
colSel.headerText = ""; // **ADDED**
colSel.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(mx.controls.CheckBox); // **ADDED**
colSel.dataField = "SELECTED"; // **ADDED**
//Add the newly created column in the "Column" array.
//Add the "selection" column in the "Column" array.
arrayCol.push(colSel); // **ADDED**
//Use the "Column" array to set the columns of the datagrid.
dgSearch.columns = arrayCol;
//Populate the datagrid with the XML data.
dgSearch.dataProvider = xmlSrc.row;
Problem #1: The checkbox column appears, I can check and uncheck the checkboxes, but they are not checked/unchecked respective to DB data when loaded.
Problem #2: How do I associate a function to the checkboxes, for instance one which will update the XML so that I can save the new data to the DB?
Anybody got the solution? Thank you in advance.