
I have a class MyField that extends FormField (it is a custom Form Field I can add via Form Builder). I have one field in the .ascx file:

<telerik:TextField ID="Status" CssClass="sfTxtID" style="visibility:hidden;" runat="server">

Currently, if the user presses the Submit button the form submits even though the Status TextField is empty.

My question is: How can I validate my field when the submit button is pressed and show an error if its not filled out?

Is this in the frontend or the backend?Modika
Did you find an answer to this? I have a problem with the Forms control in that it doesn't allow Radio Button Lists to be validated (especially when you select the option to not select any options by default)Jacques
I didn't get an answer yet but I will hopefully get one soon. I'll answer the question if I get the answer.mishmash
This is going to sound really silly, but have you tried just a general validator controls? msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/debza5t0(v=vs.100).aspxModika

1 Answers


Hidden controls do not get checked by validation. Microsoft