I would like to write a simple program (in C) using Lanczos algorithm. I came across a Matlab example which helped me to understand a bit further the algorithm, however from this piece of code I can't find the way of getting the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. I can follow the algorithm but I think I must be missing something. Can someone guided to get the eigenvalues from this example so I can understand the method and then code it in C?
% Create a random symmetric matrix
for i=1:D,
for j=1:i,
% Iteration with j=0
r0 = rand(D,1);
b0 = sqrt(r0'*r0);
q1 = r0/b0;
a1 = q1'*A*q1
%Iteration with j=1
r1 = A*q1 - a1*q1
b1 = sqrt(r1'*r1)
q2 = r1/b1;
a2 = q2'*A*q2
%Iteration with j=2
r2 = A*q2 - a2*q2 - b1*q1;
b2 = sqrt(r2'*r2)
q3 = r2/b2
a3 = q3'*A*q3
% Create Matrix Q
Q = [q1 q2 q3];
%Check orthogonality
EYE = Q'*Q
T = Q'*A*Q