
Full disclosure: I'm very new to mocking and mocking frameworks. I'm trying to use ScalaMock because it seemed like the 'default' mocking framework to use with ScalaTest but I am happy to use any other framework which is compatible with ScalaTest.

The problem: I've written in Scala a class that talks to a socket. The class has a type parameter of what sort of socket it is to talk to and one of it's arguments is a factory for creating sockets of that type. It has the signature:

class XScanner[T <: SocketClient](
  confPath: String = "/etc/default/configPath",
  socketClientFactory: String => T
) extends ScannerBase(path)

I would like to be able to write unit tests for this class by supplying a mock SocketClient so my test code doesn't have to connect to a real socket but I can't work out how to do this with ScalaMock.

My test code looks like this:

val t = new XScanner[SocketClient](confPath, (s: String) => mock[SocketClient])

Clearly that won't compile because SocketClient expects a path to the socket as an argument but I can't call mock[SocketClient(s)] because that's not a type and I can't call mock[SocketClient](s) because mock doesn't take the arguments of the type passed to it as it's own arguments.

So how can I write a mock SocketClient factory to pass to my Scanner? I can't even work out how to mock a class that takes arguments!

I'm the author of ScalaMock. Which version of Scala and which version of ScalaMock are you using? The answers are different for ScalaMock2 versus ScalaMock3.Paul Butcher
Scala Mock 3 with Scala 2.10.0jangoolie

1 Answers


The insight is that what you need to mock is socketClientFactory. And then set it up to return a mock SocketClient.


trait SocketClient {
  def frobnicate(): Unit

class ScannerBase(path: String)

class XScanner[T <: SocketClient](
  confPath: String = "/etc/default/configPath",
  socketClientFactory: String => T
) extends ScannerBase(confPath) {
  val socket = socketClientFactory("Some Socket Name")

(side note - your default value for confPath can never be used because there's no default value for socketClientFactory).

then this should get you started (this is with Scala 2.9.x and ScalaMock2 - 2.10.x with ScalaMock3 will be slightly different, but not much so):

import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalamock.generated.GeneratedMockFactory

class ScannerTest extends FunSuite with MockFactory with GeneratedMockFactory {

  test("scanner") {
    val mockFactory = mockFunction[String, SocketClient]
    val mockClient = mock[SocketClient]
    mockFactory.expects("Some Socket Name").returning(mockClient)
    val scanner = new XScanner("path/to/config", mockFactory)

For completeness, here's the same test in Scala 2.10.0 and ScalaMock3:

import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory

class ScannerTest extends FunSuite with MockFactory {

  test("scanner") {
    val mockFactory = mockFunction[String, SocketClient]
    val mockClient = mock[SocketClient]
    mockFactory.expects("Some Socket Name").returning(mockClient)
    (mockClient.frobnicate _).expects()
    val scanner = new XScanner("path/to/config", mockFactory)