
Environment Windows 7, Grails 2.2.0/2.X, GGTS

I have installed git on my computer successfully, I am now trying to install the Git plugin for grails using the command install-plugin command. I get the errors below, I have looked for a solution but have not found one yet.

Problems occurred (un)installing plugins. See details for more information


| Loading Grails 2.2.0

| Configuring classpath.

| Environment set to development.....

| Warning The install-plugin command is deprecated and may be removed from a future version of Grails. Plugin dependencies should be expressed in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy. See http://grails.org/doc/2.2.x/guide/conf.html#pluginDependencies.

| Resolving plugin git. Please wait...

| Error resolving plugin [name:git, group:org.grails.plugins, version:1.0-SNAPSHOT]. Plugin not found.

| Error Plugin not found for name [git] and version [1.0-SNAPSHOT]**


Looks like it really doesn't exist in the Grails repo: repo.grails.org/grails/plugins/org/grails/pluginsdoelleri
Thanks - I am now proceeding to add it manually using grails integrate-with --git and regular git commands.user1811107

2 Answers


i faced this problem when i was installing the searchable plug in but i figured out that my internet connection is through proxy so i got direct connection and it was installed successfully



I ended up using the grails integrate-with --git command instead