We are evaluating SSIS to see if it will be appropriate for a new project that is coming up. One of the processes will have to process a flat file with delimited records. The file will contain orders. There is a header line, an (optional) shipping address line, and one or more detail lines. Each line's fields are delimited but are not the same format.
I read this answer:
SSIS transactional data (different record types, one file)
And I can split the data using the Conditional Split task to produce several outputs, but am not sure how to proceed from there. I have two issues that I need to resolve:
The order header should be inserted first, before the address and details since the address and details will reference the order record, so I think I need to process that output first, but I'm not sure in SSIS how to make that branch of the Conditional Split task be processed before the other branches. Ideally, I would like to process the order header and then store the order id in a user variable so that when processing the details, I can reference that variable.
There will be multiple orders in the file, so splitting it is more complex.
I could always write an application in C# that will preprocess the file or read the file into a staging table, but I'm not sure I like that approach.
Can anyone who has been through this process share some insights into how they dealt with it?