In my Main
procedure I want to write a quick if-statement which checks whether the user has made a valid input (user chooses number of project from list of data, see attached screenshot). For that I am checking whether the project number is not part of the list of projects. If that is true, an error message is displayed; if not then a number of other procedures are called.
For some reason though I get error 2015 when I run it, which means that the if-statement is always true, even on correct user entries. Can someone help me understand the error please?
- The project number input is a named cell called "IdSelect" and is on a sheet called "Invoice"
- The data against which this input is checked is on a sheet called "Input"
- The data is stored in column B and called "ProjectList"
Code below (note: I have tried pasting it 5 times but the formatting still won't work this time for some reason - any idea what that could be? The code is properly formatted. Sorry for the messy display; if anyone can tell me what that problem might I would be very grateful!)
Sub Main()
'Turn off screen updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Define variable for currently active cell to reactivate it afterwards
Dim OldActiveSheet As Object
Dim OldActiveCell As Object
Dim i As Integer
Dim ProjectList As Range
Set OldActiveSheet = ActiveSheet
Set OldActiveCell = ActiveCell
'If-statement to check whether project number is valid or not
'Print to Immediate Window to check value - remove later
Debug.Print Range("IdSelect").Value
If IsError(Application.Match(Range("IdSelect").Value, "ProjectList", 0)) Then
'Print to Immediate Window to check value - remove later
Debug.Print Application.Match(Range("IdSelect").Value, Worksheets("Input").Range("ProjectList"), 0)
MsgBox "Invalid Choice: Project with this number does not exist!"
Exit Sub
'Call procedures to execute
Call SortData
Call Count_Line_Items
Call Count_Total_Rows
Call Write_Services(ServCnt)
Call Write_Expenses(ExpCnt)
End If
'Reactivate previous active cell
End Sub
Screenshot from "Input" sheet:
:-) ? You had putcode
wrongly. You need to usesquare brackets
in the question editor. – bonCodigo