I am using TCL socket command to communicate between two TCL/Tk applications say A and B where both have a associated GUI. The server on B basically accepts commands from A and returns the result of the execution. The problem is that the GUI for B hangs as soon as the execution is completed. Is there a way to enable the two GUI's to work independently? I am using the following scripts to setup the connection between the two applications:
Start application A with the following TCL script client.tcl
proc execute { cmd } {
set cid [socket localhost 9900]
puts $cid $cmd
while { [gets $cid line] >= 0 } {
puts $line
close $cid
set pid [exec B server.tcl &]
execute {puts HelloWorld}
where server.tcl sets up the server through application B
proc server { cid addr port } {
set cmd [gets $cid]
catch $cmd result
puts $cid result
close $cid
socket -server server 9900
vwait forever
The goal is to let the GUI for B be active while user continues to work with GUI for A. That way the user can switch between the two GUI's on a need basis. Both A and B provide different functionality for working with the same data which need to be made available at the same time.